Ensure Compliance With Strict

Federal Freedom of Information Act

(FOIA) Requirements


What is FOIA Solution ?

Experience the power of streamlined environmental compliance and decision-making with MERP Systems' NEPA Solution. Built on the Microsoft Power Apps platform, our solution is expertly designed to meet the unique needs of federal agencies, ensuring operations are efficient, transparent, and fully compliant.


  • Government agencies often struggle to respond to numerous FOIA and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) requests
  • Manual processes cause delays, non-compliance, and frustration for staff and the public
  • Increased risk of non-compliance
  • Outdated systems or spreadsheets cannot meet strict FOIA/PA requirements mandated by the U.S. Government
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Glowing mDocketImg3

Success Factors

  • mFOIA provides automated workflows to streamline processes, validate requests, redact data, process payments, and distribute information
  • Simplified uploads of documents, photos, and videos support request evaluations and management
  • Correspondence with requesters is tracked and periodic alerts ensure progress, and federal compliance
  • Web, email, postal mail, and online requests are recorded and managed through a centralized system
  • Litigation holds on requests under court procedures are managed with supervisor and legal review

Value-Added Features

  • Automated redaction of sensitive data in text, images, and videos
  • Secure and scalable data management
  • Automated workflow streamlining through pre-trained Artificial Intelligence (AI) models
  • User-friendly experience with many user-customizable options
  • Secure backup, recovery, and information protection

COTS vs Custom vs Accelerator

Pure COTS solutions typically incur higher license costs and are not very flexible. Customers pay for capabilities they do not need, and often pay to develop features the COTS will lack. COTS systems require changing business processes to match the features, functions, and flows of the COTS product, rather than adapting the product to customer needs. Custom-created software provides exactly what customers need, but takes much longer to develop (adding substantially to the cost), and the customer is at risk if the developing company becomes unavailable. MERP adapts the features of our core product to meet customer needs, rather than forcing those needs into a narrowly defined COTS solution. With top developers experienced in creating dozens of similar solutions, MERP can rapidly deliver a customized product at minimal cost.