Track Inmate Mental And Physical
Needs At All Levels Of The System
What is InMate Needs Assessment System ?
The InMate Needs Assessment System is a comprehensive case management solution designed to track substance abuse and mental health evaluations. This system supports correctional facilities in determining the appropriate welfare programs for each InMate based on their assessment results. Additionally, it helps track program enrollment, participation, and completion, offering robust reporting capabilities to ensure accountability and progress monitoring. The solution also provides participants with an exit strategy.
- Inefficient risk and needs assessment
- Lack of personalized intervention strategies
- Manual and time-consuming data management
- Limited post-release monitoring
- No real-time data insights
- No standardized workflow for complex case
Success Factors
- Systematic screening & scoring with tailored intervention strategies
- Facilitator tools for program management and monitoring
- Progress assessment & seamless case closure
- Custom workflows & real-time dashboards
Value-Added Features
- End-to-end case management with secure, real-time data
- Comprehensive screening, documentation, and reporting processes
- Seamlessly integrate with existing jail systems for smooth data management
- Efficiently score and analyze screening results to determine individual risk
- Refer inmates to appropriate services and programs within the system
COTS vs Custom vs Accelerator
Pure COTS solutions typically incur higher license costs and are not very flexible. Customers pay for capabilities they do not need, and often pay to develop features the COTS will lack. COTS systems require changing business processes to match the features, functions, and flows of the COTS product, rather than adapting the product to customer needs. Custom-created software provides exactly what customers need, but takes much longer to develop (adding substantially to the cost), and the customer is at risk if the developing company becomes unavailable. MERP adapts the features of our core product to meet customer needs, rather than forcing those needs into a narrowly defined COTS solution. With top developers experienced in creating dozens of similar solutions, MERP can rapidly deliver a customized product at minimal cost.